Tuesday, January 13, 2009

He llegado en Salamanca

Y estoy en Salamanca! Tengo el Internet en la casa, apparently. Which is pretty awesome since we were told we wouldn't have it in the homestays. The trip to Spain was more or less uneventful -- a little bit of a delay with the flight, but it was OK. Met a few other people from the program as we were all frantically running for the baggage claim and calling IES begging them to hold the bus for us. I'm not as jet-lagged as I thought I would be considering I haven't gotten that much sleep since the flight. Lunch here is at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon and dinner isn't until 9 or 10. They're both filling meals, especially lunch -- about four courses each. It's kind of unreal. My host mom asked my housemate and me if we wanted diet pills in our coffee this morning. (At least, I'm pretty sure that's what she asked us. I'll get back to you on that.)

I somehow managed to place myself in the advanced class of the three levels of intensive Spanish orientation classes we have during the hour-long test and 45-second oral exam. So, that's a mistake and should be interesting. I'm not really sure how many people I've told or have been told about this crap blog, but I want to know how much English/Spanish anyone cares to see. I just wanted to get this blog up before my computer dies.

Hasta luego!

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